August 7, 2013

As a true crime reader are you sick of the usual?  Ted Bundy?  Jeffrey Dahmer or The Beltway Sniper?  Well, I’ve got some old new murders for you.


My Strangest Case by Police Chiefs of the World edited by Kurt Singer, copyright 1958, published by Doubleday & Company

18 stories from around the world (mostly homicides) and as you can see from the copyright date, all occurred before 1958.  So voila!  New old crimes or old new crimes to read about!

Try to check for availability and prices.

P.S. Sorry about the glare on photo, but I took it myself.

P.P.S. As a non-true-crime reader, maybe you should branch out G.

P.P.P.S. It’s a fun little book.  Try it.

devil in the detail

Devil in the Details: Scenes From an Obsessive Girlhood by Jennifer Traig, copyright 2004, published by Little, Brown and Company

This is a book I’ve had on my to-read list for years but kept passing by until I found it in a used bookstore.  This is a great book to read if you have even the slightest suspicion that you suffer from OCD.  You don’t.  Not that I know you personally, but compared to Ms. Traig, you and I are majorly mentally healthy.

I enjoyed reading this book.  Not because it was really good (it wasn’t really bad either).  I enjoyed this book more as a sense of relief as in, “Oh my God I am so sane!”  Kind of like watching Hoarders on TV and realizing that no, I don’t have too many books despite what the hubby says.

So you know what, unless you need reassuring like me, I’m not going to recommend this book.  If you want a really good book about a really dysfunctional family, read The Glass Castle.

alita 16

alita 17

Alita: Last Order Volumes 16 & 17 story and art by Yukito Kishiro, copyright 2011 & 2012, published by Kodansha Comics in the US

Ok G., let’s go over this again.  Despite the name of the publisher, these are not comics.  These are Japanese manga and no, manga is not just for children.  We will discuss graphic novels later when I cover 17 & 18 of The Walking Dead.

As you can see, there are a lot of Alita books, and that’s just the New Order series.  I first encountered Battle Angel Alita

alita 1

in some small town in California 15 years ago and fell in love with the art.  Then I read it and fell in love with the story.  Yukito Kishiro is an excellent artist who tells amazingly wonderful (and violent stories).  Should you decide to give Alita a try, start with Battle Angel Alita and perhaps stop after that series (9 or 10 books).  Alita New Order is good, but not as good.  Mr. Kishiro seems to be skimping on the art this time around and half the time Alita isn’t even in the book, which leaves me wondering why call it Alita.


Filed under Books

4 responses to “August 7, 2013

  1. Grignr

    I’m sorry, who is the publisher? Is it “Kodansha Comics’??

  2. I’m sorry. I didn’t know you couldn’t read. I’ll arrange for an audio for you. :p

  3. Sam

    I have one from the Last Order series (I believe it’s the first) and it didn’t seem anything like any of the other Battle Angel Alita comics you had shown me before. The story was downright confusing, actually. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t conclusively followed the story line before picking it up anyway, but it seems like it still should have been slightly more new reader-friendly in the introduction to the story, seeing as how it is an entirely new series from the original. I still liked the art though, and since I can’t recall too many of the others you had let me borrow, I have no real opinion on the difference of the artwork as a whole.

  4. Pingback: Comic Reviews - Review: Battle Angel Alita – Last Order, Volume 18 - Kittysneezes

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